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ERDDAP > Out-Of-Date Datasets

The outOfDate index is a simplistic measure of how out-of-date a dataset is: <0: unexpectedly from the future(!), <1: up-to-date, >=1: out-of-date, >=2: very out-of-date. For out-of-date datasets, there is presumably a problem with the data source, so ERDDAP is unable to access data from more recent time points.

10 matching datasets. This web page was generated at 2024-11-23T19:52:26Z .

outOfDate testOutOfDate maxTime datasetID title
███ 20051.006 now-1day 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z nocLOC_l1ou Project GreenSand: National Oceanography Centre (NOC) NRT Lab-On-Chip (LOC) sensors.
███ 2517.9075 now-1day 2018-01-01T22:37:55Z Wirewall_9c6b_dcdf_7ffe CreamT flood web service: [Developer test] NRT WireWall Crosby (developer test dataset)
███ 1282.4714 now-1day 2021-05-21T08:50:00Z CreamT_NRT_Triggers_16c9_cbb4_e94b CreamT flood web service: [All sites] NRT operational triggers
███ 1200.6027 now-1day 2021-08-11T05:40:00Z CreamT_234r_rt99_4klp CreamT flood web service: [Dawlish_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Dawlish Wavewell (D04)
███ 986.08685 now-1day 2022-03-13T18:00:00Z CreamT_747f_b818_8edf CreamT flood web service: [Dawlish_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Dawlish Garden (D01)
███ 984.6007 now-1day 2022-03-15T05:40:00Z CreamT_890g_ty66_3qso CreamT flood web service: [Penzance_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Penzance Far End (P03)
███ 984.3021 now-1day 2022-03-15T12:50:00Z CreamT_365s_sl89_5wmp CreamT flood web service: [Penzance_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Penzance Mid Prom (P01)
███ 983.4966 now-1day 2022-03-16T08:10:00Z CreamT_747f_cj65_2fgh CreamT flood web service: [Dawlish_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Dawlish Wall (D02)
███ 982.46185 now-1day 2022-03-17T09:00:00Z CreamT_867g_dk78_3jhi CreamT flood web service: [Dawlish_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Dawlish Crest (D03)
███ 526.305 now-1day 2023-06-16T12:40:00Z CreamT_132a_bc44_5vcf CreamT flood web service: [Penzance_1A] NRT overtopping waves station Penzance Lamppost (P02)

This web page was generated at 2024-11-23T19:52:26Z .
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ERDDAP, Version 2.25
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